• © 2017–2025 Jan Lagerwall and the ESMP Group 0


New article in Advanced Functional Materials!

Congratulations to Rijeesh and the team for the new article "Facile Anisotropic Deswelling Method for Realizing Large‐Area Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomers with Uniform Structural Color and Broad‐Range Mechanochromic Response" published in Advanced Functional Materials.


Congratulations to Larry!

Congratulations to Larry! Who recently defended his Ph.D thesis on "Liquid Metals and Liquid Crystals Subject to Flow: From Fundamental Fluid Physics to Functional Fibers"



Congratulations to Larry!

Congratulations to Larry, Shameek, Manos, and Jan on their recent publication, "Elastic Sheath–Liquid Crystal Core Fibres Achieved by Microfluidic Wet Spinning" published recently in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C!

In this article, they present the wet spinning of core–sheath liquid crystal-filled elastomer fibers using a microfluidic spinneret adapted from the normal techniques they use to produce shells and droplets. In particular, when we spin fibers containing a cholesteric liquid crystal, the result showing brilliant reflected colors as a result of the liquid crystal alignment within the fiber core. These fibers can be highly stretchable and show color changes upon heating and cooling.

You can access the article

JMCC TOC Graphic


Congratulations to Anjali!

Congratulations to Anjali, Jampani, and Jan on their new article published in Langmuir: "Realignment of liquid crystal shells driven by temperature-dependent surfactant solubility"

This is the study of nematic LC shells stabilized by temperature responsive surfactant. Study shows how one can change the alignment of LC just by varying the temperature. Click here for the full article.



Congratulations to Catherine!

Congratulations to Catherine for beautiful cover page on Soft Matter representing the outline of the phase diagram with the nematic droplets nucleating over it from the spinodal decomposition.
Here you can access the article.

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New Study on 5CB-Ethanol Phase Separation in Soft Matter + Cover!

Congratulations to Catherine and Jan on the new publication RSC's Soft Matter:

Isotropic-Isotropic phase separation and spinodal decomposition in liquid crystal-solvent mixtures" experimentally & theoretically reveals evidence of coexisting isotropic phases in simple mixtures of ethanol, 5CB, and water. Even though the nematic LC 5CB is arguably the most studied commercial liquid crystal worldwide, for the first time this study highlights experimental evidence of spinodal decomposition and nucleation and growth occuring between two isotropic phases and a single nematic phase between this common compound and equally common solvents.

(Click the image below to visit the article:
All supplementary info is
open access!)

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Anjali gets featured on FNR's Spotlight on Young Researchers!

Our Ph.D student Anjali Sharma was featured on FNR's Spotlight on Young Researchers blog! :D

Anjali works on forming liquid crystal shells and she works on trying to stabilize them using different surfactants and polymers.

Anjali and the team (Jampani, Nikolay and Jan from our group) + others from Prof. Ralf Stannarius's group in Magdeburg, Germany, observed LC shell behavior in a micro gravity environment made possible through several parabolic flights initiated in a plane provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Read about & see her experience here on the FNR's site: Spotlight on Young Researchers: Anjali Sharma

Image from iOS (1)

Anjali’s PhD is funded by the FNR’s PRIDE programme in the framework of the Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) MASSENA, which has the goal to improve the understanding and the performance of materials used in sensing and energy harvesting


Catherine presents our group @ PHYMS workshop

Our post doc Catherine represented our group in the first PHYMS (Physics & Materials Science) research unit workshop for PhD students and postdocs on the 13th of June.

She gave
a brief presentation on what the group's research currently focuses on as a whole (see screenshots below). The research section of our site will soon be updated to reflect all of these projects.

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\AS & CGR\

Welcome (again!) to Yong!

Yong, our previous postdoc, has returned to conduct further research on applying the LC shells we make in lab to solving practical issues with security authentication.

His project is in collaboration with Prof. Gabriele Lenzini from the SNT (Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust) & is funded by the FNR (the Luxembourg National Research Fund).

The project is called "SSH: Security in the Shell", more details can be found here


Congrats to Camila for defending her Ph.D!!

Congratulations to Dr. Camila Honorato, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on characterization and fractionation of cellulose nanocrystals today!



Congratulations to Rao and Jan on the new publication in science advances!

Congratulations to Rao and Jan on the new publication in science advances: "Liquid crystal elastomer shell actuators with negative order parameter" Paper reveals the first ever liquid crystals with a negative order parameter ground state. Here's the article (open access, no subscription required)
here for the link.



Free access to recently published article!

Happy new year! Starting this year with free access to our recently published article “Influence of head group and chain length of surfactants used for stabilising liquid crystal shells”. It's free for first 50 readers. Enjoy reading.
Here is the link:

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