03/11/16 15:32
We have the pleasure of hosting Dirk Jan Mulder, Ph.D. candidate in the group of
Prof. Albert Schenning, Technical University of Eindhoven, during November. Dirk Jan is working on microfluidic liquid crystal elastomer shell production together with Rao and Kevin (see action pictures from the yellow lab), and also on porous shell production together with JungHyun.
Tags: visitors
07/06/16 07:08
We are glad to welcome Vianna Chan, Michelle Park and Laura Saunders to our group! They constitute the fourth round of visitors within the NSF-funded IRES (International Research Experience for Students) project led by our collaborator Prof. Antal Jakli at Kent State University, Kent (OH), USA. Michelle (left), Laura (middle) and Vianna (right) will be working with electrospinning and electrospray of fibers/beads with liquid crystal core.
Tags: visitors
05/05/15 23:07

Our collaborator at the Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology (Suwon, Korea), Mathew Schwartz, visits the ESMP group in the beginning of May, giving a talk entitled "Research problem finding and solving through Art and Design". In connection to this visit we had intense discussion around our work on soft robotics within the project INTERACT.
Tags: visitors, seminar
14/06/15 22:25

Also this summer we have the pleasure to host three students from the USA, within the framework of an NSF-funded IRES program devoted to liquid crystal fibers and filaments, headed by Prof. Tony Jakli at Kent State University (co-PIs are Prof. Margaret Frey, Cornell, and Prof. John West, Kent State University). This year our visitors are Emily Kerr, Aditi Naik and Vanessa Sanchez. Here you see them enjoying Luxembourgish Flammkuchen together with Jan and Catherine (who is the local group member working the most with them during their stay).
Tags: visitors