JPCM Review on LCs in Shells, Droplets & Fibers Makes IOP's 2017 Highlights!
19/02/18 13:53
Awesome email to get:

Our review on LCs in Droplets, Shells & Fibers got selected for the 2017 highlights list by IOP Publishing!! Yes mega Congrats to our team!!
Thanks to everyone who also read &/or downloaded our article.
We put a lot of effort into trying to make a review as comprehensive, and as accurate, for those outside and in our fields as possible.
If you want to check the highlights click here (Category is: Soft matter, biophysics and liquids) -

Our review on LCs in Droplets, Shells & Fibers got selected for the 2017 highlights list by IOP Publishing!! Yes mega Congrats to our team!!
Thanks to everyone who also read &/or downloaded our article.
We put a lot of effort into trying to make a review as comprehensive, and as accurate, for those outside and in our fields as possible.
If you want to check the highlights click here (Category is: Soft matter, biophysics and liquids) -