Bandol Summer School on Liquid Crystals
Last update: 19.05.2024

Bandol Summer School on Liquid Crystals customer privacy notice

1. What data do we process when you contact us?
When you send us an email to jan.lagerwall [at] lcsoftmatter [dot] com, when you use our contact form, and when you use our registration form, we use your data to answer you and to manage your registration for the summer school.
1.1.What data do we collect?
We collect and store the following data:

  • Your email address (contact and registration),

  • Your name (if it’s visible in your e-mail address or you decide to share it with us in the contact form; for registration it is required),

  • The time and date your message/registration was sent,

  • Your affiliation (only for registration, for which it is required),

  • Postal address (only for registration, for which it is required),

  • Your gender (only for registration, where it helps us manage the room sharing; you are free to choose "prefer not to say", which then means that we must charge you for the significantly higher participation fee for a single room),

  • Your preferences for shared or single room accommodation during the summer school (only for registration, for which it is required),

  • Your year of birth (only for registration, where it is optional; if we know your approximate age it helps us to identify suitable room sharing partners),

  • Suggested room sharing partner (only for registration, where it is optional),

  • Whether or not you are a smoker (only for registration, where it helps us manage the room sharing; you are free to choose "prefer not to say", which then means that we must charge you for the significantly higher participation fee for a single room),

  • Whether you prefer a mixed or a vegan menu (only for registration, where it is required as we need this information when booking the lunches at Golf Hotel),

  • Whether you have any allergies that you wish to share with us (only for registration, where it is optional),

  • Other personal information that you decide to share with us in your message/registration.

1.2.Who else gets access to your data?
  • We share your name and your meal preferences, as well as any allergies you informed us about, with Golf Hotel, in order that they can arrange your accommodation and lunches during the summer school. We do not share your data with any other third parties. We store your personal data on our server only for the purpose to answer you back in case of using the contact form, and to manage your registration in case you used the registration form.

  • We also use the RapidWeaver stack “Formloom 4” from Yabdab Inc. to provide a contact form on our website. This stack simply forwards the form content you filled out to our own email address and does not store any of your data.

1.3.Why are we allowed to process this data?
We have a legitimate interest (art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) to collect and process your data to answer your requests and manage your registration for the summer school.
1.4.How long do we keep your data?
The criteria used to determine the period of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiration of that period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of a contract.
1.5.What are your rights?
  • You have the right to know which information we hold about you (right of access, Art. 15 GDPR). However, upon contacting us or registering for the summer school, you should have received a receipt e-mail that contains all this information.

  • You have the right to ask us to rectify the data we hold about you, if incomplete or inaccurate (right to rectification, Art. 16 GDPR).

  • You can object to the processing (right to object to processing, Art. 21 GDPR), which would stop or prevent us from using your data.

  • You have the right to ask us to delete your data (right to erasure, Art. 17 GDPR).

  • You can ask us to transfer your data to another service if it is technically feasible (right to data portability, Art. 20 GDPR).

  • Finally, you can ask us to limit how we use your data (right to restrict processing, Art. 18 GDPR)

2. How can you contact us and exercise your rights?
If you have questions, doubts or complaints about the way we process your personal data, please contact us. You can send an email to jan.lagerwall [at] lcsoftmatter [dot] com or use the contact form. We will do our best to answer quickly and address your concerns.

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